information designer

how information is presented makes all of the difference in how it is received. kirsten is a graphic designer & illustrator of information & infographics. she has an absolute love of finding ‘the essence’ of heaps of information & creating ‘that’ into an engaging & digestible visual storytelling experience.

Common examples (not limited to) of ‘information design’ are: reports, annual reports, brochures, infographics, booklets, posters, educational materials…

INFOGRAPHIC CARD deck TO support healing

every element on this educational, interactive, informational set of cards holds a purpose & intentional energy. This 64 card set presents an energetic healing art in an accessible form. view more of this high frequency informational card set

Infographic illustration for a learning set

The creator of this learning set had a clear design directive: she needed every piece designed in exacting simplicity. She knew what each piece needed to ‘speak’. We translated her words and feelings into visuals that could be felt, received, and intuited by both child & adult.

infographics explaining process and outcome

kirsten builds infographics that explain processes in a simple visual form. on this particular project, the client needed to be able to show a wide audience the start, journey, and final goal of a grant helping to support the resurgence of the Hawaiian language.

outcomes Report for a 5 year grant

good design always must reflect the audience for which the piece will be addressing. this report was being distributed to those in the science fields, specifically the geosciences. Clear charts and well organized data were the key to success in presenting their story and conclusions.

variable information presentation

this piece was specifically designed to be able to present variable pieces of content depending on the client’s audience. the informational cards can be added or subtracted as needed. This piece allows the client to share in-person and also be used as a showy mailer. A digital set was also created of this piece for ultimate sharing flexibility.

illustrative infographic charts

data is better understood and received when it is illustrated! here is an example of what we think of as ‘classic infographic design’…in a presentation fully customized to the unique data and branding style of this client.


Information brochure design created to educate visitors & newcomers of ocean safety on Kaua’i. This brochure is part of a large educational endeavor founded & directed by forward-thinking kaua’i native, Winston Welborn. View the educational ebook